Collections and Exhibits
So much to see and learn- We are slowly adding some of our archival collections online at and at join
With over 4000 artifacts, exhibits include Lumbering, Vessel building, Life at sea, Life ashore including Grandma’s Kitchen, School life and home, Tool displays, Company Store, Wagstaff and Hatfield Shipyard, Grandma’s attic and our Military display. Our out buildings consist of the Port Greville Lighthouse, A boat shed complete with Boats, a working blacksmith shop, Bandsaw shed, and Woodworking shed as well as our interpretive walkway. Temporary displays on Climate change, piracy or other topics change.

We have a genealogical database for use with our Curator including some 53000 names related to the area such as Adams, Hatfield, Loomer, Morris, Spicer, Wagstaff and many more. Also several volumes of Genealogies in our archives
Our Archives has a vast collection of information from the Wagstaff and Hatfield Shipyard as well as the Cochrane Fonds, photos, depth maps, store ledgers, time books, land grant maps, Dewis ship ledgers and lists of vessels, even a few school registries and more. Check in with our Curator/Archivist for more information
Group tours can be tailored to include hands on use of some of the tools and beach tours of the Fox River Port Greville site.

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